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Need professional advice for your consent to let with Aldermore Bank PLC? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Examples of recent questions relating to Aldermore Bank consent to let

  • Me and my husband have a Aldermore Bank home loan and are are not in arrears, both employed etc. Can you tell me how much the fees are and if Aldermore Bank are likely to give us consent to let without porting the loan to a commercial rate?

  • I have a Aldermore Bank mortgage and have been letting out my flat without consent to let, making me in breach of my mortgage Ts and C’s. I fear that they have sussed that I am not living there. What negotiating options are available if I don't sell it in time before they are on notice that I am in contravention of my conditions?
  • I am a letting agent. If a landlord chooses to lease out their house without consent to let from Aldermore Bank - what liability do I have, if any? My guess is that the landlord isn't breaking the law, however, they would be breaching their contract with the Aldermore Bank, as Aldermore Bank most probably need to be notified of any change in circumstances. If I turn a blind eye could I be accruing trouble?
  • What is the maximum period of time allowable to Aldermore Bank that I would be able to let my property without being required to transfer the mortgage or sell my house? In short, my partner would like me to move in with him and I really don't want to sell my house. I would like the fallback of knowing I still have my own home.
  • I am trying to find out which lenders are best for giving consent-to-let without raising rates, and hopefully allowing in excess of 2 years if required. Is that something you can help with? We are particularly interested in Aldermore Bank
  • Me and my sister and I have a mortgage with Aldermore Bank on our maisonette in Enfield. We are hoping to buy a new house to move into. How do I move our current mortgage on to consent to let?
  • I am a Aldermore Bank borrower. I would like to apply for consent to let my home. I have been waiting for a response from Aldermore Bank. Are you able to please check and help?
  • Do you have the address to which a Consent to Let request to be sent for Aldermore Bank? Sorry about bothering you with this query.