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Need professional advice for your consent to let with Better HomeOwnership (Mortgages)? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Examples of recent questions relating to Better HomeOwnership consent to let

  • In a worst case scenario what action Better HomeOwnership can take if I have Sublet my flat without consent to let?

  • I've got an existing mortgage with Better HomeOwnership for almost two years and the fixed rate is about to be renegotiated. We are contemplating releasing equity out of our existing home to enable us to purchase a more substantial home and then rent out the current one bed flat. The initial advice we received was that we should get a new residential mortgage allowing for consent to let - can you explain what this is?
  • Under what scenarios will consent to let for a property be issued from Better HomeOwnership? For what period of time do you have to have had ownership of the property before consent to let can be obtained from Better HomeOwnership? By way of background we are going abroad for a year and a half with my husband's business and will need to rent our house. I am looking at applying for consent to let initially with a view to renting the property out to offset the costs of the Better HomeOwnership mortgage.
  • We have a flat in Barnet which we purchased as a new-build just over twelve years ago. As the family is growing we are looking for more space. We've identified a house in Hillingdon that we would like to buy and want to keep the flat as an investment to rent out. The mortgage is with Better HomeOwnership and we've found a tenant who will pay rent in excess of the monthly mortgage payment. My question is, can we hold onto the repayment mortgage with Better HomeOwnership so we effectively paying off our mortgage on the property or must we to transfer to a buy-to-let mortgage?
  • Last month I got married and I am in the process of buying out 100% of my co-ownership mortgage with my wife. As a result we have now been given a 90% loan to value on our house. We want to buy a larger property. Will it be possible to get a consent to let on my new mortgage with Better HomeOwnership to allow us to get a mortgage also with Better HomeOwnership for a new home?
  • I am looking to place my house on rent due to work commitments and was enquiring if this is possible to negotiate consent to let. It is on a fixed rate mortgage with Better HomeOwnership at the moment until 2018 December
  • I may be looking to let out my property and wondered what I would need to do to get consent to let from Better HomeOwnership. I may be emigrating permanently.
  • I have a domestic mortgage with Better HomeOwnership which is only 7 weeks in but I have been moved abroad with work. How easy is it to get consent to let from Better HomeOwnership for a mortgage that has only recently started and I have just purchased the property?