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Need professional advice for your consent to let with Better HomeOwnership (Mortgages)? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Common questions relating to Better HomeOwnership consent to lease

  • Me and my husband have a Better HomeOwnership mortgage and are are not in arrears, in gainful employment etc. Do you know how much it will cost and if Better HomeOwnership are likely to give us consent to let without transferring to a different deal?

  • Can you clarify if consent to let obligatory from Better HomeOwnership or can I lease out my basement flat without telling Better HomeOwnership and being forced to convert to a buy-to-let mortgage?

  • I am currently choosing a mortgage as FTB and considering Better HomeOwnership with my mortgage adviser. Let's say I choose a five year fixed rate I move in the property and after twelve months, an opportunity comes up which involves a relocation requiring moving to a different location. In the case Better HomeOwnership grants me consent to let,would the rate remain the same or would it increase?
  • What information do Better HomeOwnership need to to decide whether to grant consent to let. I have a five year fix with them. I have a good track record of mortgage payments over several years. I am looking at moving to Westminster due to surprising growth of family. My financial situation has not deteriorated and in fact my salary has gone up 15% since the mortgage commenced.
  • I have a letter to Better HomeOwnership requesting consent to let signed and ready, but I'm not sure what address I should forward this to. Can you please help me with the address?
  • Better HomeOwnership - consent to let potential. Do you have experience of the process with this lender? Do they have a minimum period prior to changing and is it possible that I would be required to make a cash injection to reduce the LTV?
  • Do Better HomeOwnership grant consent to let? I am just considering this in order to move home in the the near future
  • I am enquiring as to whether there are any restrictions in getting consent to let on a freehold property when I have a mortgage with Better HomeOwnership