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Need professional advice for your consent to let with Mortgage Agency Services? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Sample questions relating to Mortgage Agency Services consent to let

  • What information do Mortgage Agency Services need to have to make a decision on consent to let. I am on a 3 year fix with them. I have always been on time with my monthly payments. I am planning a move to Tower Hamlets due to surprising growth of family. My financial circumstances have not changed and in fact my annual income has increased by thirty per cent since I applied for the mortgage out.
  • As a result of changes in my personal circumstances I am planning to move in with my girlfriend this summer and I have let my property out to two tenants on a twelve month AST. I am now applying for consent to let from Mortgage Agency Services but what if they refuse. I can’t rescind on my contract in terms of backing out of renting the students as they have all signed up. On the flip-side Mortgage Agency Services could sue me for breach of mortgage condition i.e. renting it out in the absence of consent to let.
  • I currently have a mortgage with Mortgage Agency Services and the loan to value is presently 60% with the Mortgage Agency Services current book value and I'm looking to buy a further property but would like to keep my current property at the current market value. I have consent to let from an alternative mortgage provider on a previous property so know a bit about them and I also have buy to let with Accord on another property. Does the expected rental income on a consent to let with Mortgage Agency Services need to exceed the mortgage repayments? I have a fixed rate which I tied into a fixed rate and left the term at 19 years so it was paid off as early as possible, obviously this leaves with quite a high monthly cost.
  • I have a maisonette in Sutton which I purchased six years ago and which I have since remortgaged with Mortgage Agency Services on a fixed rate which ends next September. If I want to let out the property whilst I go travelling what do I need to do and is there a time limit? Are there any other financial repercussions when applying for consent to let?
  • I am just finding out some information at this stage. My boyfriend has asked me to move in with him and I have been trying to sell the flat but have had no luck whatsoever despite several decreases in price. So now I want to know what I would need to do to get consent to let from Mortgage Agency Services
  • Am I required to wait for consent to let to be granted on my prevailing residential mortgage with Mortgage Agency Services before applying for a resi mortgage on a new property?
  • I was wondering if you are able to help. I require consent to let from Mortgage Agency Services and would like to know if this option is available to me to switch to as I must move back home to look after my mum
  • One year into a mortgage with Mortgage Agency Services due to work reasons need to relocate. Do you think I can get buy to let or consent to let.