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Need professional advice for your consent to let with National Counties Building Society? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Sample questions relating to National Counties Building Society consent to let

  • I own a three bedroom second floor purpose built flat but I am hardly there, exploring the possibility of renting it out. My mortgage is with National Counties Building Society, would I have to change my mortgage deal or ought I apply for consent to let?
  • What information do National Counties Building Society require to have to make a decision on consent to let. I am on a five year fix with them. I have never defaulted in payments. I am looking at moving to Hounslow owing to surprising growth of family. My financial situation has not deteriorated and in fact my salary has increased by thirty per cent since the mortgage started.
  • A colleague recently sought CTL from the Woolwich which they declined citing that the mortgage had not been going for six months. I am about to seek consent to let from National Counties Building Society. Do they adopt the same rule?
  • Where a property owner opts to let out their property without consent to let from National Counties Building Society - what, if any implication might there be for an agent acting for the landlord?
  • I am looking to National Counties Building Society to issue me with consent to let out my basement flat in Sutton. I am moving to Holland for 8 months on a secondment.
  • I wish to purchase a new house but can't afford to sell the current apartment with a National Counties Building Society mortgage. Do you know the criteria for National Counties Building Society to issue consent to let? Is getting married and having kids a sufficient reason to make the request?
  • I am looking at some alternative lifestyle. I have a National Counties Building Society mortgage, if I become a US resident but wish to rent my UK house, do I need to get consent to let from National Counties Building Society to do this ?
  • I'm looking in more information about consent to let from National Counties Building Society. Would a valid reason be parking problems and the house is too to small for me?