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Need professional advice for your consent to let with New Life Mortgages Ltd? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Questions and Answers: New Life Mortgages consent to let

  • Helen (my partner) and I may need to let our Lambeth home temporarily due to me taking a sabbatical. This will be for a limited period but perhaps for 2 years. Should I tell New Life Mortgages or am I best advised to not rock the boat?

  • My house had been tenanted for three years between 2009-2012 while working overseas. I have a letter dated June 2010 from my building society granting consent to let. In the letter it clearly states that the consent to let is valid for "the remaining term of the mortgage". I have not remortgaged since the letter was sent. I now plan to move house and rent out my existing house. However, my IFA has suggested that the 2010 consent to let letter may not satisfy the new lender New Life Mortgages for the house I intend to purchase.Your view would be appreciated
  • A colleague recently asked for CTL from the Woolwich which they refused citing that the mortgage had not been going for even half a year. I am about to request consent to let from New Life Mortgages. Do they adopt the same rule?
  • Is it possible? The property has a mortgage against it with New Life Mortgages (with quite a bit of equity). I want to buy and live in a second house but keep my old house and rent it out. How can I fund a second mortgage without selling my old property and using the equity as a deposit for the new property. Is there anyway I can change my old mortgage to a buy to let mortgages or obtain consent to let and take on a second mortgage without having a deposit to put down.
  • I want to let out the attic in my house in Southwark. Do I require consent to let from my mortgage provider New Life Mortgages?
  • I am potentially moving in with my fiance at his home and would like to rent out my property that I acquired last autumn, I'm just not sure of the process as my property is my first home. What do I need to do to get consent to let from New Life Mortgages If I obtain consent will my mortgage payments increase?
  • I am trying to find out if New Life Mortgages will grant consent to let in a situation where we need to move closer to relatives in a different house albeit that we may move back the future if circumstances change.
  • I currently have a residential mortgage with New Life Mortgages and plan on letting due to work being based in Bristol. In asking for consent to let from New Life Mortgages do I run the risk of them forcing me to change deal to buy to let