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Need professional advice for your consent to let with NRAM Ltd? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Frequently asked questions relating to NRAM Ltd consent to lease

  • I plan to get in touch with NRAM Ltd for consent to let out my home in NRAM Ltd. However the property has been on with agents for 4 weeks but there without a sniff of interest and forking out for a full mortgage, council tax and insurance on unoccupied house is hurting financially. What approach would NRAM Ltdtake if I market the property?

  • My husband and I are looking to apply to NRAM Ltd for consent to let on my existing residential property in Harrow. I am hoping to release equity from my existing property ahead of this, and using that money to buy a new residential property. I will move into that house whilst doing it up for six months after which I plan to sell it then move back to my current property. Is this something NRAM Ltd will consider consent to let for or is that out of their criteria?
  • Hello, I have consent to let my property with NRAM Ltd and am about to give my tenant 2 months notice as I wish to sell the property. I am worried about the property being unoccupied when the tenant leaves and finding a buyer. Not once have I missed a payment on the account, is it likely that I would be able to take payment holidays pending the sale of the property?
  • Last month I got married and my wife and I would like to purchase a family home in the coming year, whilst keeping our maisonette in Camden we currently live in to rent out. Mortgage on the flat is with NRAM Ltd. I don't want to put myself in a situation with two residential properties and then be refused consent to let.
  • Is it possible to negotiate a consent to let from NRAM Ltd if I have an existing mortgage which has been in place for ten years?
  • Just looking for some information. I currently have a mortgage in place with NRAM Ltd. I have had licence to temporarily rent out my flat from the freeholder of the block and they asked if I have consent to from NRAM Ltd.
  • I have a mortgage with NRAM Ltd and am considering whether to sell or rent in the short term but don't have the equity for a buy to let mortgage at this time. How feasible are consent to let options currently?
  • I am hoping to fix my residential mortgage with NRAM Ltd but as a result of my job I might have to live abroad for a couple of years. Will NRAM Ltd allow and grant consent to let and there be any penalty