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Need professional advice for your consent to let with Paragon Mortgages Ltd? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Frequently asked questions relating to Paragon Mortgages consent to lease

  • My wife and I live in a property where we have numerous spare rooms. We are exploring the idea of setting up an holiday let type business to rent rooms out on a check-in and check-out arrangement. Are you aware if this kind of thing allowed in accordance with Paragon Mortgages’s standard 'consent to let' process?
  • I've been with Paragon Mortgages for about 2 years and have just renewed a fixed rate. The loan to value is approximately 28%. Unfortunately we must move into my mum’s house to care for her, it would make sense to lease our house out - do I need to seek consent to let from Paragon Mortgages and is it likely to cost much?
  • A colleague recently asked for CTL from the Woolwich which they declined as the mortgage had not been in place for six months. I am about to seek consent to let from Paragon Mortgages. Will they take the same approach?
  • I have a property in Lambeth with a Paragon Mortgages mortgage but I no longer reside there. My brother moved in but pays no rent. At the moment I live in rented premises and am keen to purchase a house. I have come across an ideal property at an attractive price. I have sufficient for a deposit to put down on the house I am interested in but would be hard pushed to pay enough off the old property to switch it to a BTL mortgage at the same time. Can I switch the current Paragon Mortgages mortgage for my old flat into a consent to let and use my savings to pay a larger deposit for the domestic mortgage on the property that I am looking to purchase?
  • Paragon Mortgages domestic mortgage. Will they issue consent to let a house for 2 years? I will move back in again as a resident.
  • Prospective tenants are about to move into my property and I have mortgage offer from Paragon Mortgages on new house on condition of consent to let for original house. How long should it take to receive letter once I send back a completed application with cheque.
  • My wife and I want to let our house out and use the rental income to pay rent on a house in Southwark. How likely are we to be given consent to let by Paragon Mortgages without being forced onto a BTL product.
  • I own a leasehold flat. I would like remortgage with Paragon Mortgages and seek consent to let. I'm still inside the Early Redemption Charge period so not sure if there such a thing as porting to some property?