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Need professional advice for your consent to let with Pepper Homeloans? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Pepper Homeloans Consent to Lease Example Support Desk Enquires

  • My husband and I bought a house in 2011 for 305,000 with Pepper Homeloans. I got married to someone in the forces so moved in to married quarters in Belgium and realise that I need to have to get consent to let from Pepper Homeloans. Do you have any experience of consent to lease from Pepper Homeloans?

  • My house had been let to students for three years from 2010-2013 while working abroad. I have a letter dated May 2010 from the lender granting consent to let. In the letter it explicitly stipulates that the consent to let is valid for "the remaining term of the mortgage". I have not changed product since the letter was issued. I now plan to move house and rent out my existing house. However, my financial advisor has suggested that the 2010 consent to let letter may not be sufficient for the new lender Pepper Homeloans for the house I wish to buy.Your view would be appreciated
  • My property has had a mortgage against it with Pepper Homeloans for the last nine years. Since then I've married and moved into my husband’s home. As of today the property is empty and have a choice to sell or have someone occupy. Obviously this will not be a short term agreement as I can't see me move back in. What should I tell Pepper Homeloans with a view to obtaining consent to let?
  • The likelihood is that I will have the opportunity to work overseas in a couple of years. I am therefore possibly scaling down to a newer property in Wandsworth which I could rent out with less difficulty as and when required. The intention is to retain half the equity in the new apartment which would be my home for a while. My existing mortgage provider limits consent to let for a year. I anticipate renting it out longer term and not having consent could result in a whole host of legal issues. BTL seems unnecessarily expensive given that I will be living there, maybe for 2-3 years initially. What type of mortgage do I ask for, and from whom? Would, for example, Pepper Homeloans issue consent to let for more than a year?
  • My partner and I are planning to ask Pepper Homeloans for consent to let out our house in Tower Hamlets. We are relocating overseas for three years and would like to to let it out. I failed to look into this when we got the Pepper Homeloans mortgage, and that was only because we never thought an opportunity would arise such as this so was planning on being in the house.
  • My Pepper Homeloans mortgage fixed rate expires in January and have to relocate for work soon after. Will I be able to both remortgage and get consent to let?
  • Me and my brother are considering applying to Pepper Homeloans to obtain consent to let our home, how long does it take from the point of submitting the application to us finding a letting agent and listing our house for rent? and are there any additional steps we will need to take?
  • Does my LTV need to be at a certain ratio to allow me to apply for a consent to let from my mortgage provider Pepper Homeloans. Will it make a difference that I only drew down on the mortgage four months ago?