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Need professional advice for your consent to let with Precise Mortgages (Charter Court Financial Services Ltd)? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Examples of recent questions relating to Precise Mortgages consent to let

  • What information do Precise Mortgages expect to have to make a decision on consent to let. I have a two year fix with them. I have never defaulted in payments. I am planning a move to Lambeth owing to the family getting bigger. I will be staying with my current job and my salary has gone up thirty per cent since I took the mortgage out.
  • I have just come off the phone to Precise Mortgages and they tell me that they are now aware that I am letting out the ground floor flat despite having a normal mortgage. I needed to move a couple of years ago for work reasons, couldn't sell and so had little option but to let out the property. Are you able to advise me on the implications might be for me not getting consent to let?
  • My daughter is going to work abroad for twelve months and wants to rent her property out. She has a Precise Mortgages fixed rate mortgage on repayment and wants consent to let the property as well as transfer to interest only. What does she need to do?
  • I have an existing Precise Mortgages loan on a property for the last eight years. I am now married and moved into my husband’s home. My property is currently vacant and we either need to sell or let it out. Obviously this will not be a short term agreement as the prospect of me reoccupying is unlikely. What should I advise Precise Mortgages with a view to obtaining consent to let?
  • I am looking for information on what are acceptable reasons for leasing a property when it comes to seeking consent to let from Precise Mortgages? Can you assist?
  • I am trying to find out Precise Mortgages fees for conversion to consent to let from a fixed rate residential mortgage?
  • Is it possible that Precise Mortgages would have archive records as to whether consent to let was granted for a specific property?
  • Prospective tenants are about to rent my property and I have mortgage offer from Precise Mortgages on new house on condition of consent to let for original house. How long should it take to receive letter once I send back a completed application with cheque.