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Need professional advice for your consent to let with Santander? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Sample questions relating to Santander consent to let

  • I wish to buy a second house having recently purchased a studio flat on residential mortgage. Looking to purchase next year. I am told that I may need consent to let from Santander, my existing mortgage provider? What is the best way to manage this and gain the permission needed.
  • We may be presented with an opportunity to work in a different office in the UK for a few months and wish to know if we can let our existing flat. It is a two year fixed rate and we are three months into the mortgage with Santander. We have lived at the property for nearly four years. The LTV is 80%. Are we likely to get consent to let from Santander? What can we expect in fees etc
  • I rented my house out for three years from 2009-2012 while employed overseas. I have a letter dated March 2010 from the lender granting consent to let. In the letter it explicitly stipulates that the consent to let is valid for "the remaining term of the mortgage". I have not refinanced since the letter was sent. I now plan to move house and rent out my existing house. However, my mortgage advisor has suggested that the 2010 consent to let letter may not satisfy the new lender Santander for the house I intend to purchase.Can this be right
  • I would like the consent to let forms for Santander please I couldn't find it on the net.
  • If I am tied into a fixed rate with Santander but am deliberating on letting out my property, is there a cost for consent to let from Santander and does the interest rate increase?
  • I might be looking to let out my property and wondered what I would need to do to negotiate consent to let by Santander. I may be emigrating permanently.
  • I recently acquired a one bedroom second floor purpose built maisonette in Lewisham. I am first time buyer. I am moving Belfast next month, can I get consent to let from my lender Santander or do I have to wait six months?
  • Is consent to let required from Santander if I am intending to live in the apartment myself for part of the year? Also if I obtain consent to let for a period of time, say up to 2 years, what happens thereafter.