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Need professional advice for your consent to let with Scottish Building Society? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Frequently asked questions relating to Scottish Building Society consent to lease

  • Soon to be packing up as my partner and I are moving to Beijingin Month, possibly for a little as 9 months but conceivably longer term. I have contacted Scottish Building Society to obtain consent to let out our home in Scottish Building Society. The mortgage has been in place with Scottish Building Society for 9 years and I am up to date with payments. Scottish Building Society say, that even if they consent to the letting, that this will be limited consent for 12 months. What happens after one year?

  • I have a ground floor flat but I am rarely there, exploring the possibility of renting it out. The mortgage is with Scottish Building Society, would I have to switch my mortgage product or do I try to get consent to let?
  • I acquired a property in 2008 with the help of a housing association, I own 50% by way of bank loan and rent the other half. Three years ago I bought a new property. I let out my first property and moved to my new property. I got consent to let from my lender and I was under the assumption I had consent to let from the housing association. Earlier this week I was contacted by the housing association advising they had nothing on record to evidence I had procured consent to sublet. What are my options?
  • How long after getting a new mortgage will a consent to let be likely to be given by Scottish Building Society? By way of history I bought my flat in Hackney 2 years ago and am currently on a fixed term for 3 years. I since met my partner and plan to move in together. I am planning to get another fixed term next December. I presume that I would have to hold back for at least 6 months before I could request a consent to let. Is that correct?
  • Can I get an interest only mortgage with consent to let when my current Scottish Building Society deal runs out September 17?
  • Me and my partner and I have a mortgage with Scottish Building Society on our ground floor flat in Barnet. We are hoping to buy a new house to move into. How do I move my current mortgage on to consent to let?
  • I might potentially need consent to let from Scottish Building Society in the future with work. I am just exploring what the options would be if this was the case. Is there a limit on how long you can let out a property with consent?
  • Are you aware if there is normally a required loan to value amount before Scottish Building Society will consider consent to let?