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Need professional advice for your consent to let with Suffolk Building Society? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Frequently asked questions relating to Suffolk Building Society consent to lease

  • I have a standard mortgage over my residence in loc and intend to move to country for three years. During this time I want to lease out my house. My bank is withholding consent to let. It’s hardly ideal to move to a buy to let loan as it’s only a short term option that I am going away for.

  • My granddaughter is going to work abroad for twelve months and wants to lease her property out. She has a Suffolk Building Society fixed rate mortgage on repayment and wants consent to let the property as well as switch to interest only. What does she need to do?
  • In the coming months I plan to move home and I am wondering if I can get consent to let on my house then get a mortgage approval for the new house so I can put in an offer thus being chain free and then let my property out once I move. Is it likely that Suffolk Building Society grant consent to let for a year if they know I am looking to purchase a further property or only if I am relocating temporarily with work?
  • Is it possible to switch a homeowner mortgage with Suffolk Building Society to a consent to let. It will be less than 55% loan to value and it would change from repayment to an interest only mortgage?
  • My partner and I are interested in understanding the Suffolk Building Society consent to let process and prerequisites for granting.
  • My Suffolk Building Society mortgage is coming up for renewal. We would like to apply for a new residential mortgage and then seek consent-to-let. Is this possible? We don't use the house much now that our kids have grown up, and would be better used as a rental.
  • I am seeking consent to let for my house as I am moving out for 6 months currently fixed Suffolk Building Society mortgage with three years which is due in June next year.
  • Me and my husband spoken to someone at Suffolk Building Society about changing our existing mortgage to consent to let (the current fixed rate expires in spring next year). Can I just confirm that I need to formally put the request in writing setting out our change in circumstance to Suffolk Building Society? Where do I need to send the letter to?