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Need professional advice for your consent to let with Swansea Building Society? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Top Five Questions relating to Swansea Building Society consent to lease

  • Can you explain "consent to let" to me? I live in a studio flat and its in good condition. It has been on with agents for two months and I am struggling to sell. This is probably due to an ongoing dispute with the guy next door. I have had to put it on the disclosure sheet. I am with Swansea Building Society on a standard variable rate. It has been suggested to me that I should get consent to let by Swansea Building Society and let the flat out.
  • Following retirement last year I purchased a “retirement home” for my wife and myself to move to. We would like to let our current property to our son and I have consequently contacted Swansea Building Society for consent to let. I was just seeking a general view on whether Swansea Building Society currently allows it?
  • How long must one live in a property before consent to let with Swansea Building Society would be forthcoming? I bought my house with a Swansea Building Society mortgage back in June.
  • We intend to let our existing apartment out shortly after we find a new house. I will apply for consent to let from Swansea Building Society. The flat is currently in my name but I am a higher rate tax payer. Do I need to do a equity transfer to her or should I enter into a Declaration of Trust?
  • I am looking to Swansea Building Society to issue me with consent to let out my home in Enfield. I am moving in with partner, cant sell property
  • Are you able to help? I am just enquiring if Swansea Building Society offer consent to let as an option should I decided to rent out my property under a residential mortgage. Is there a specific rule for right to buy property and consent to let?
  • I have Swansea Building Society mortgage and am considering letting the property. I understand I would need a consent to let to do that right ?
  • Last month acquired a one bedroom apartment in Wandsworth. I am a FTB. I am moving Paris next month, can I get consent to let from my lender Swansea Building Society or do need to wait for at least 6 months?