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Need professional advice for your consent to let with Teachers Building Society? There are various implications when it comes to letting out your property with an existing residential mortgage - you should seek professional assistance.

Questions and Answers: Teachers Building Society consent to let

  • I I have a homeowner mortgage with Teachers Building Society but I would like to occasionally take in I obliged to obtain consent to let from Teachers Building Society?
  • I found tenants for my flat in the summer and didn't tell Teachers Building Society. I have a three year domestic mortgage (significant equity in it, never defaulted) and want to let Teachers Building Society know and get consent to let for the final two years of my mortgage . I am unsure what to do.
  • I am currently a Teachers Building Society mortgage borrower looking for consent to let on my current property. We would like to purchase in close proximity to where we are based with the Army,... but we may have to relocate.
  • Enquiring if Teachers Building Society conduct any checks when applying for a resi mortgage, I'm ideally looking to rent the property out and am in two minds as to whether I should apply for consent to let. How would they find out if I lease the house out?
  • Will Teachers Building Society want to know my reasons for applying for consent to let? Should I inform them of my potential move abroad?
  • How much of my loan allowance will be made available to draw down on if I change my mortgage to a consent to let with Teachers Building Society?
  • I recently purchased a property with 10% deposit for personal reasons. A mortgage was taken with Teachers Building Society. But my circumstances have now changed. I am being transferred out of the location. Am I able to get consent to let from Teachers Building Society and put the property up to let?
  • Please can you provide me with advice as to how to proceed with obtaining consent to let from Teachers Building Society and what, if any, cost apply.